Is she good? Does she sleep? And other useless things people say…
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Is she good? Does she sleep? And other useless things people say…

New motherhood is loaded with all the best things in the world and a hefty dose of all the worst. Insert: unsolicited advice, comparison, judgements, and to the bone exhaustion. One thing that deeply grates me is when some random person asks if my baby is good? What a ridiculous concept to think that a…

Prenatal YOGA

Prenatal YOGA

I believe that good health is far more than simply the absence of disease. Good health is vitality and contentment, relaxation and peace, and good health is required to fully enjoy your pregnancy and the postnatal period. I have found one of the easiest ways to achieve good health during pregnancy is through the practice…

How to navigate your menstrual cycle like a pro: part 3

How to navigate your menstrual cycle like a pro: part 3

UNDERSTANDING YOUR CYCLE   Learning about the relationship between food, exercise and your reproductive health is a great place to start on your journey to wellness. There are so many fad-diets, health food regimes, and quick fixes offered to us, that it can seem daunting or overwhelming in which direction to move. Part of my…

How to navigate your menstrual cycle like a pro: Part 2

How to navigate your menstrual cycle like a pro: Part 2

UNDERSTANDING YOUR CYCLE         The interplay between pituitary and ovarian hormones gives rise to a stereotypical pattern of hormone levels during the menstrual cycle. The pie chart above shows relative hormone levels in an average 28-day cycle. PLEASE  NOTE: Not every woman has a typical 28 day cycle, which is why I am…