Doing the work

Doing the work

Before I got married, I decided that I owed it to myself and my future husband to examine the real me, who I was and what I was going to bring in to our marriage. I did a lot of self work,  I sought out the advice of wonderful counselors, life coaches, and dear friends,…

A happy state of Fertility

A happy state of Fertility

fertility f??t?l?ti,f???t?l?ti/ noun the quality of being fertile; productiveness. “improve the soil fertility by adding compost” synonyms: fecundity, fruitfulness, productiveness, prolificacy, generativeness; More the ability to conceive children or young. “anxiety and stress affect fertility in both men and women” synonyms: ability to conceive, ability to have children, virility, fecundity, potency, reproductiveness “happiness has an effect on ones ability to concieve”     I prefer…