
Hello Mamma,

Thank you for your interest my new course:

Holistic Homeopathic first aid course for you and your family.

This is our introductory course to all the tools you may need to enhance your Natural Healing at Home.

This course aims to guide and teach you all the tools you may need to support your families natural health care.

What's Included:

  • Natural Immunity
  • Why children need to get sick to build their immune systems
  • Fevers
  • Teething
  • Ear infections
  • Snotty noses
  • Coughs
  • Runny tummies, vomiting, constipation
  • Dietary support
  • Gut health and oral health

Bonus Masterclass

  • Parasites / chronic infections

The Details:

All of this can be yours for the opening special of R950 ( you have until Aug 15 to book your spot)
After that the course will be R1500.

The Investment:

This is a 3 hour master class, broken into two x 1.5 hour sessions.

There will be a Q/A time after each session.

This will be recorded and saved, so If you can’t make the LIVE EVENT, you will have access to all this empowering information to slowly digest and study in your own time.
