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Medi Herb
Chinese herbs
I will always remember the moment – after rushing to hospital unsure of what to expect, having my waters broken, facing an onslaught of contractions, and then having the curtains closed on Marck and I and being told to crack on with laboring – when you walked in. you put your cool hands on my bent over, naked body and I immediately knew I was in safe hands. You calmed my panicked mind and eased my anxiety by coming up with a plan to get us through what seemed like an insuperable mountain of the unknown; and you relieved my tired body with pressure, and ice and swaying hips.
Those are truly magic hands that carried me through the trials of labour with your calm disposition, your eye for nurturing and comforting, and your steely toughness and resolve.
You are such a force – Marck and I could not imagine doing birth without you.
Thank you for guiding us to achieve what is in my life my proudest, happiest moment – a nautral, healthy birth for our daughter.
I am so in awe of natural birth and my body in the recovery process, I had thought it would take weeks to “get my body back” but my stomach has literally gone back to it’s normal size already! Of course, my perennial still has lots of healing and my body still needs lots of rest but it’s such a fascinating thing to me right now! Kyle and I had such a great “debrief” chat last night about the labour and birthe nad there were so many highlights for us. One of them was this amazing shift that took place when you gave me permission to completely let go, just before my waters brok when you said it was ok to poo. Alos, when we hit the pushing stage and I asked what colour his hair was and then felt this beautiful wave of emotion and awe when I started crying! And then of course all the laughter in between contrations! So many highlights… just want to say again how deeply grateful I (and Kyel feel) to have had you there. Kyle said he loved how you made him feel he could be such a big part of it all and didn’t take away from his husband role too.
Medi Herb
Chinese herbs
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